9/8/17-Mark Levin Audio Rewind

Mark Levin Podcast show

Summary: President Trump is angry at RINOs in Congress and so he has figured out a way to get back at them - lurch left and work with Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi on DACA and a deal on the debt ceiling. What is lacking here is leadership. Trump needs to take charge yet hasn’t done that. When Trump picks up Nixonian habits it is not going to benefit him anymore than it benefited Richard Nixon. None of that matters, in the end Democrats want to take over the House and impeach Trump. Trump’s frustration in no way is a license to sell out the American people and renege on major campaign promises. After that, many Republicans like Mitch McConnell didn’t get elected on massive infrastructure spending or Herbert Hoover trade policy but were elected because of the Tea Party. There are people trying to reject their own ideologies on top of the movement that got them there. The Republican Party leadership is progressive; Paul Ryan has shifted and McConnell has always been a progressive. Here and there these Republian progressives have a conservative or free market idea, but don’t really believe in conservatism. We have got to fight to get rid of these people in D.C. Later, hurricane Irma is flipping and flopping. People were so sure that it was going to focus on the east coast of Florida and now it may be lurching to the central and west coast.