9/11/17-Mark Levin Audio Rewind

Mark Levin Podcast show

Summary: History is crucial to understanding the future, which contains the good, the bad, and the ugly. There are many young people who don’t remember 9/11 or don’t know anything about it. They need to know what took place because the next 9/11, and there will be another one, could well involve nuclear weapons. The proliferation of nuclear technology, combined with bad actors on the international stage — namely North Korea and Iran — make for an extremely serious situation. Our enemies never sleep and they have only acquired more advanced weaponry. Those who want to deal with this situation effectively are called interventionist or accused of wanting war. We believe in prudence not in radical interventionism. You have to have policies, plans and ideas ready for all kinds of contingencies. The Code Pink Republicans who accuse conservatives of this, pretend to support military yet they don’t. The Iranians and North Koreans lied their way to nuclear technology and must be stopped. We should pour significant sums into R&D because we have enormous threats from these rogue countries. After that, President Trump could teach the Republicans a lesson by leading and by forcing Mitch McConnell and Paul Ryan to follow him. Making deals with Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi is not the answer nor is it a turning point in a positive direction. Rather than remaking the party in his own image, like Ronald Reagan did, Trump cuts deals with progressives. We are not funding the wall, repealing Obamacare, or reforming tax laws, and Schumer and Pelosi are two of the reasons why we are not. Later, half the state of Florida does not have electricity. Hurricane Irma was a horrendous hurricane and the climate change issue is an enormous fraud. Irma was not the worst hurricane to hit Florida. The problem is that desperate people are looking for an answer. Man can’t do a thing about the climate, the hurricanes, earthquakes and tornados. If we destroyed ever car and truck on the face of earth or eliminated humanity, there would still be horrific storms.