SGJ Podcast #218 – Interstellar Space: Genesis

Space Game Junkie Podcast show

Summary: Welcome to this episode of the Space Game Junkie Podcast folks! This week, <a href="">Jim</a>, <a href="">Hunter</a>, Spaz and I sit down with Adam Solo (Developer &amp; Game Designer) and Hugo Rosado (Developer and Art Direction) of Praxis game to talk about their upcoming Master of Orion 2 homage, the really fun spacey 4X game <a href="">Interstellar Space: Genesis</a>! We discuss the origins of the game, the legacy left by MoO2 that still affects game design to this day, the current state of the 4X genre and much more. It’s a really fun and lively discussion, and the game, even in its pre-alpha state, is looking great.<br> Next week on the show, we’re back at our normal time to talk to the developer of the fantastic space settling card game, <a href="">Solar Settlers</a>! As always, if you have a question or comment, feel free to drop them below, email us at <a href=""></a> or hit us up on <a href="">the forums</a>. Thanks so much for watching/listening, my friends, and enjoy the show.<br> <br> Show Notes<br> Games Mentioned<br> <br> * Master of Orion Series<br> * Civilization Series<br> * Emperor of the Fading Suns<br> * Alpha Centauri<br> * Star Trek: Birth of the Federation<br> * Stardrive 2<br> * Pandora: First Contact<br> * Dominus Galaxia<br> * Endless Space Series<br> * Sword of the Stars Series<br> <br>