TKAM #744 Everybody’s Mad. #airoutWednesday

TK in the AM: show

Summary: 10.04.17 The world isn’t scary, it’s enraging. We mad, you mad, everyone’s mad. Don’t worry though you can let some of that rage out. We’re here for you. It’s #AirOutWednesday We had to start with Tom Petty, who’s no longer with us. RIP, a music legend that’s gone. Conscious (on day 4 of fasting) talks about Russell Brand’s skills at airing out from his show, and TK tells us about her Wal-Mart adventure. You know what’s good to learn at some point? CPR. In #NewYouCanUse, we discuss and we air out. -Ghostface Killah from the Wu Tang Clan has his own cryptocurrency?? -Russia and America might work together on building a moon station...but at the same time, Russia made fake black activists accounts during the election to incite people. Hmm. -The Needle Drop, famous Youtube music critic, was a closeted Alt-righter all along. His profile might be gone, but nothing on the internet is ever gone. -A pro-life congressman tried to get his affair to have an abortion. Not shocking, but this POS needs an airout. -Speaking of POS, we also air out the bank teller who stole from a homeless man. -We also can’t forget 45, who visited Puerto Rico and did the one thing he does best. We even got clips for you on that! It’s air out Wednesday though, so we check in to see what’s grinding everyone’s gears. People though...someone stole an 11 year old’s idea, and another person has been letting their dog defecate on our listener’s yard. TK also throws an air out in. If you know about anyone that’s been on this show, don’t act like you didn’t hear them on TKAM first! The show does end on a positive note though. There’s more to the world, not just the constant shouting from the news. Enjoy life, have a taco, it’s national taco day. #AirOutWednesday @TKinTheAM is live every M-W-F 10-1130am EST on and tunein app. Same day replays 7pm EST also available on Apple Podcasts, GooglePlay Music, mixcloud, and Spreaker! RUNDOWN 0:00 SONG: Tom Petty - Free Fallin’ 4:25 INTRO: Tom Petty is dead RIP; Cons talks about Russell Brand; TK’s Walmart Adventure; Cons still fasting day 18:35 SONG: Ghostface Killah - Tush 24:07 #NewsYouCanUse: Ghostface Killah with his own cryptocurrency; Russian and American effort for a moon station; Russia made fake black activist accounts; The Needle Drop was in the Alt-Right closet; 46:20 SONG:MC Eiht - Heart Cold ft. The Lady of Rage 50:10 #AirOutWednesday: People who stole an idea from an 11 year old; leaving dog waste on someone’s lawn, the bank teller who stole from a homeless man 61:01 SONG: B. Bravo - Don’t You Worry ft. Kissey (Captain Planet Remix ft. Badí) 65:55 Chatroom Check in, TK air outs people who don’t shout out singers until they’re mainstream even when they know them, 71:36 NewsYouCanUse: Pro-Life congressman tells his affair to get an abortion, Trump goes to Puerto Rico 74:54 CLIP: SNL burns Trump and explains the flag kneeling 82:45 CLIP: Rant against Trump, everyone loves the Curries The wisdom in enjoying the other things not the news