Chillpak Hollywood Hour #541


Summary: The next two weeks will feature a 2-part theme show where Dean and Phil examine the British Film Institute list of "The 50 Films films you should see by the age of 14." It was created in 2005 to inspire parents and educators to take movies as seriously as other art forms of art and included the opinions of more than 70 experts including film producers, teachers, authors and critics. Of course, YOUR Chillpak Hollywood Hour was not around back then, so the BFI had to make do without input from your friends in podcasting. Until now. There are times Dean and Phil strongly agree with the list, other times they realize they have holes in their own cinematic educations, and times when they disagree with the list and/or note its particular European and British slant on the subject. All in all, a fascinating discussion of the art form, of education, of parenting and more. Part 1 examines all selections through 1971.