Re-Writing Your History

Simple Steps Real Change on Empower Radio show

Summary: Is there something in your past that haunts you today? Do you think that “if only” you’d made a different decision, been in another place, pursued a different passion that your life would be happier, more fulfilled, better? Do you live with your regrets? Every decision, every event, ever path we walked led us to where we are today. While you can’t go back and change it you can choose to see it differently. Just like two people can see any situation from completely different perspectives and you can see your life until now from a different and powerful vantage point. On today’s show Cheryl shares how taking a journey back in time for the purpose of re-framing your past can change your now and your future. Tune in and learn the Simple Steps to a place you’ve never been and could not even discover except for your willingness to explore your life in reverse.