The Horse Show: s2e11 - Alexa Pessoa

WiSP Sports show

Summary: <p class="p1"><span class="s1">U.S. show jumper<a href=""> Alexa Pessoa</a> is adjusting to a new routine as the mother of two children and the wife of rider and Chef d’equipe of the Irish team, Rodrigo Pessoa. With six years between their daughters Sophia and Luciana Alexa is finding the balance between being there for her daughters and making time for her riding career. For her the time spent in the stables is dedicated to the horses and training and it’s important not to be distracted by the demands of being a mother. As she has discovered already, the time passes quickly as she watches children grow and she wants to be the best mother she can be while still enjoying her passion of riding and competing.  For more conversations from the world of women's sport visit us at <a href=""></a> and join us on social media @WiSPsports.</span></p>