Songs in the Key of D&D (Tome 287)

Tome Show Productions Prime show

Summary: In this episode Jeff and Sam sit down with Aaron Good to discuss Amy Vorpahl's new album, Songs in the Key of D&D. Their review and discussion is followed by an interview with Amy Vorpahl herself. The Tome Show is a family friendly show, but an editorial decision was made to leave in some explicit language, rather than bleep it out in editing - we hope it doesn't offend, but consider yourself warned! Thank you to our sponsor for this episode: Noble Knight Games Links: Saving Throw channel on You Tube Amy Vorpahl on the Web Amy Vorpahl at Geek & Sundry Amy Vorpahl on Twitter Amy Vorpahl on Instagram Songs in the Key of D&D at Apple iTunes store Songs in the Key of D&D on cdbaby Songs in the Key of D&D on Amazon Aaron Good on Twitter Sam on the Web Sam on Twitter Jeff on Twitter