The Office of Compline for February 21, 2016

The Compline Service from St. Mark's Cathedral show

Summary: <br> February 21, 2016<br> The Second Sunday in Lent<br> ORISON: Lord, keep us steadfast in your Word (Tune: Jesu dulcedo cordium) – Plainsong, Mode II; harm. Peter R. Hallock (1924–2014)<br> PSALM 27:10-18 – Plainsong setting, Tone VIII.1<br> HYMN: Eternal light, shine in my heart (Tune: Ach bleib bei uns) – mel. Samuel Scheidt (1587-1654); harm. Seth Calvisius (1556-1615)<br> NUNC DIMITTIS: Plainsong setting, Tone III.4<br> ANTHEM: Lamentations of Jeremiah – Jacobus Arcadelt (c. 1504 – c. 1567)<br>  <br> Jason Anderson, director • William Turnipseed, reader • Joel Bevington, cantor<br> <br>