The Office of Compline for March 20, 2016

The Compline Service from St. Mark's Cathedral show

Summary: March 20, 2016<br> The Sunday of the Passion: Palm Sunday<br> ORISON: O Cross, whose wood is all our race’s boast (Tune: Tenth Avenue) – Peter R. Hallock (1924-2014)<br> PSALM 88 – Plainsong, Tone I.7<br> HARMONIZED RESPOND: In manus tuas (Setting I) – John Sheppard (c. 1515-1558); ed. Simon R. Hill<br> HYMN: O sacred head, sore wounded (Tune: Herzlich tut mich verlangen) – Hans Leo Hassler (1564-1612); adapt. and harm. Johann Sebastian Bach (1685-1750)<br> NUNC DIMITTIS: Plainsong setting, Tone III.4<br> ANTHEM: Absalon fili mi – Josquin des Prez (c. 1450/1455–1521)<br>  <br> Jason Anderson, director • Joel Matter, reader • Joel Bevington, cantor • James Wilcox, soloist<br>