The Office of Compline for June 12, 2016

The Compline Service from St. Mark's Cathedral show

Summary: June 12, 2016<br> The Fourth Sunday after Pentecost<br>  <br> The office of Compline was offered in memory of the fifty persons slaughtered in Orlando and fifty-three persons wounded. The service began with tolling of the Peace Bell while members of the choir carried forth fifty lighted candles, placing them on the chancel steps in front of the altar. Candle-lighting sentences (lucernaria) were sung and then a prayer offered for the departed before commencing the solemn procession.<br>  <br> SOLEMN PROCESSION: Kontakion for the Departed – Kievan Chant; adapt. Jason A. Anderson (b. 1976)<br> PSALM 13 – Peter R. Hallock (1924-2014)<br> HYMN: Lord, whose love through humble service (Tune: Saint Helena) – Calvin Hampton (1938-1984)<br> NUNC DIMITTIS: Dana T. Marsh (b. 1965)<br> ANTHEM: Salvator mundi – Giovanni Bassano (c. 1558-1617)<br>  <br> Jason Anderson, director • Joel Matter, reader • Jeremy Matheis, cantor<br>