3845 The Truth About The Catalonia Independence Referendum

Freedomain with Stefan Molyneux show

Summary: On October 1st, 2017, the territorial unity of Spain faced a challenge as the Catalan regional government staged its promised and controversial independence referendum. Despite the referendum being “suspended” by Spain’s constitutional court and fiercely opposed by the central government.<br><br>Out of a possible 5.3 million voters in the region, 2,262,424 people voted in the referendum for a turnout of 42%. An estimated 770,000 votes were lost due to disruption or seizure by the Spanish police, and 79 of the 2,315 polling stations were closed. With 2,020,144 “YES” votes, or 90% of the total, and 176,565 “NO” votes – the Catalan voters overwhelmingly supported independence. <br><br>The regional government previously promised to officially declare independence within 48 hours of the referendum, with the results of the election being sent to the parliament.<br><br>Your support is essential to Freedomain Radio, which is 100% funded by viewers like you. Please support the show by making a one time donation or signing up for a monthly recurring donation at: http://www.freedomainradio.com/donate