3802 She Was Murdered - Call In Show - August 16th, 2017

Freedomain with Stefan Molyneux show

Summary: Question 1: [1:47] – “Why is the correct use of definitions important, and in which ways can it be used for ill intent?”<br><br>Question 2: [11:00] – “I am a 21-year old jazz musician and play music at a very high level for my age. However, I happen to hold a number of political views which run counter to the mainstream ideology of the jazz community. The community is rather small, interconnected, and for the most part politically homogenous, so if word got out that I don't support Black Lives Matter for example, my future as a musician could be permanently ruined. Inevitably I will be forced to either lie about my views, or tell the truth and forever become an evil racist in the eyes of my peers. Is telling the truth always the best option, even at the expense of a lifetime of career opportunities?”<br><br>Question 3: [34:16] – “I am a Christian who believes in God and has had several very deep and profound spiritual experiences including speaking in tongues, involuntary shaking, feeling ‘the love of God’ pulsate throughout my body in waves, strangers speaking things to me as if it were God speaking to me, etc. I fully acknowledge that I am unable to reasonably defend my faith against arguments such as ‘there is no empirical evidence of God’, ‘the bible is full of contradictions’, etc. but I find myself still drawn to the faith and have no desire to leave it. With everything else in my life, I look to evidence, reason, and data except for this one thing which oddly enough is the one thing that gives me a deep sense of peace, comfort, and joy. Am I, therefore, unreasonable to hold these seemingly contradictory positions?”<br><br>Question 4: [1:31:00] – “On September 6th, 1996, my mother was murdered. To this day the case remains unsolved. The same goes for every day of my life since then. For the past 20 years I have felt like I have been wandering the earth aimlessly. I have managed to do the ‘normal’ things like marriage (and subsequent divorce) and children but I have lacked the drive and focus needed to achieve the goals I had once set for myself. Throughout my adult life I have always felt like no matter what I do I can never seem to outrun my past. It's like I can feel, and I believe in my heart, that there is something great out there for me and that hope alone is what has kept me motivated to keep going through all of the things that seem to get dumped on my plate on what seems like a daily basis. How much truth is there to the idea that my past is controlling my future and what thought processes can I use to overcome the things that have happened to me and shed these chains?”<br><br>Your support is essential to Freedomain Radio, which is 100% funded by viewers like you. Please support the show by making a one time donation or signing up for a monthly recurring donation at: http://www.freedomainradio.com/donate