Elder Dragon Durdle Podcast 49 – One Where Niksa Thinks This Is Ep50

MTGCast show

Summary: 1v1 Tournament, Pirate Dinosaur Merfolk Ninja Warrior Professor Stripper Ixalan Hype Mk3 Extravaganza, Magic Arena and other tidbits this week in Episode 49 (Whatever Niksa might think) Commander of the week Nikša: Sygg Igor: Alesha Topics: 1. Spoilers www.mythicspoiler.com   Outro - You Say Go - Boku No Hero Academia OST Show’s Facebook https://www.facebook.com/ElderDragonDurdle/ Igor’s Twitter https://twitter.com/BluestManInMtG Igor’s TappedOut http://tappedout.net/users/Mishraharad/ Nikša's TappedOut http://tappedout.net/users/TerraTron/ Igor's CardSphere https://www.cardsphere.com/user/3708