2 Trolls & a Brew – ep 100 “Dinosaurs Bro”

MTGCast show

Summary: It's time again for another exciting episode of 2 Trolls & a Brew, “Dinosaurs Bro” sub title "I need some Cookie" watch the Raw show on YouTube. We did it, Show 100. Yep Masters of the ear-verse. We are the best. Other than Travis' New Troll out the other Judge list and a few cards to look for in your pool this weekend we mostly just BSed and did what we trolls do. Joke. Oh, this week's TrollStar is z=Zooey Deschanel. Your welcome. Troll On! Important Social Stuff: Email: 2trollsbrew @ Gmail.com Twitter: @SamiusGurobo  @TurtlePower319 Twitch: www.Twitch.tv/SamiusGurobo