2 Trolls & a Brew – ep 101 “Prerelease Ixalan”

MTGCast show

Summary: It's time again for another exciting episode of 2 Trolls & a Brew, “Prerelease Ixalan” sub title "Dino-Might!" watch the Raw show on YouTube. Sweet 101. All about those sealed events. Oh, this week's TrollStar is Charlize Theron. So many totally worth looking at Gifs to choose from but I would lose my PG13 rating if I shared. Thanks to listener Ben the the suggestion. So the show, Travis updates us on Project salty pants. I assume that judge looks like this! The rest of the show was lolz goodness that will make you. Okay, Maybe not that much happy dance. Remember that Oct1 is the Arena's big Modern PPTQ. If you can, make the drive. It will be great. Troll On! Important Social Stuff: Email: 2trollsbrew @ Gmail.com Twitter: @SamiusGurobo  @TurtlePower319 Twitch: www.Twitch.tv/SamiusGurobo