Infendo Radio 410 – Infendo Radio Launches Patreon!

Infendo Radio | Nintendo Podcast show

Summary: This is a big week for us at Infendo Radio. If you were around for the live show, you'll have heard that today we are <a href="">officially launching our Patreon Campaign!</a><br> <br> What does this mean for you faithful listeners? Well, for starters, we want everyone to know that nothing about Infendo Radio changes. We will <a href="">broadcast LIVE every Wednesday night.</a> The podcast will still come out as scheduled every Monday morning.<br> <br> With our <a href="">Patreon</a>, we are looking to add value to our show by offering great listener incentives for those who are able to contribute. Want the edited version of the podcast early? Care to join us in the Google Hangout as we record LIVE? Want to join us on the show once per month as our special guest? These are all options available to you by <a href="">joining out Patreon!</a><br> <br> I guess what we're trying to say here is that if you have the means and want to help our podcast grow, we would love for you to throw a few bucks our way! If you can't contribute, or frankly, simply don't want to, that's fine with us too! Nothing changes, and you can still enjoy Infendo Radio as you always have.<br> <br> So what are you waiting for! <a href="">Check out our Patreon page today!</a><br> <br> Infendo Radio records every Wednesday night at 8:30 EST. Be sure to join us live, and please <a href="">subscribe to our YouTube Channel</a>! We would love for your voice to be heard on the show even if you can't join us live, so hit us up! Tweet us <a href="">@infendo</a>, or shoot an email to <a href=""></a>.<br> Follow<br> <a href="">Infendo Radio Livestream<br> </a><a href="">Infendo Radio Patreon</a><a href=""><br> @Infendo<br> </a><a href="">@InfendoEugene<br> </a><a href="">@InfendoJustin<br> </a><a href="">@Mike_the_Poet<br> </a><a href="">@Mike_Da_Parrot<br> </a><a href="">@Jentas1</a><br> <a class="spf-link branded-page-header-title-link yt-uix-sessionlink" dir="ltr" title="Pokemon Trainer Verdant" href="" data-sessionlink="ei=Hn7rWPXtFI7Q-wPQuZP4Bw">Pokemon Trainer Verdant</a>