159: Logic Saves Lives Part 2 - The Political Debate Contract

School Sucks: Higher Education For Self-Liberation show

Summary: Logic is about understanding reality in a non-contradictory way and how can we see things for what they are. Metaphysical Laws 1.Identity 2.Causality 3.Non-Contradiction Topic: A discussion about my new idea for advancing the message of liberty, articulating a sound methodology, and removing the irrationality and pacifying the emotional mayhem of the average political argument. 'Tis the season... POLITICAL DEBATE CONTRACT For honest, rational, and meaningful discussions about important issues. TOPIC/QUESTION: _________________________________________________ All Parties Agree to Avoid Red Herrings Clause #1: Clarification of Purpose Before proceeding, all parties must communicate the goals they are trying achieve through this argument/conversation. More importantly, all parties must identify the intellectual or emotional needs they are trying to have met through such an interaction. Clause #2: Ethical and Logical Consistency Because almost all political arguments grow from the need of all parties determine right from wrong, or moral from immoral, each party must articulate a clear foundation of principles or axioms upon which all of their political positions are built. EXAMPLE: “I am a Republican/Democrat/Libertarian, and that political belief system is built upon the impenetrable idea that (insert principles here) . Please avoid abstract language and subjective claims like: “America is the greatest country in the world!” OR “Freedom is the answer.” OR “Obama says...” All your subsequent arguments and statements must not contradict the principles you put forward at this step. All elements of your current political belief system must be consistent with these principles. Clause #3: Avoiding the Box While the discussion must stay on the agreed upon topic, all parties must agree to abstain from the tactic of putting their opponent(s) "in a box." This refers to attempts to control the context of the discussion in a way that is advantageous to you. EXAMPLES: 1. Lifeboat Scenarios 2. Straw-Man Fallacy 3. Loaded Questions (Trap-Setting) 4. Special Pleading Fallacy (The Retreat) Clause #4: Foundation of Facts All parties must be able to demonstrate that their opinion/claim/call-to-action is built upon a foundation of facts with which their opponent agrees. This is often the most challenging part of any debate because each party will have different strengths and deficits in his or her knowledge-base. Both parties will agree to fact-checking in real time (internet) if necessary. Clause #5: Ideological Flexibility You agree that if your opponent can clearly demonstrate that your argument contains numerous inconsistencies, contradictions or other general errors in reasoning, you will follow up by doing all of the following: 1. avoid launching into an emotion-driven invective against your opponent, including ad hominem attacks (aka FIGHT) 2. avoid the “taking my ball and going home” tactic, where you say something like, “I've had it with this! There's no talking to you! And everyone is entitled to their own opinion anyway. Goodbye.” (aka FLIGHT) 3. admit that your position needs additional research and consideration 4. agree to consume two (2) pieces of educational media chosen for you by your opponent (articles, book excerpts, videos, podcasts, etc...) SOME EXAMPLES of common reasoning errors to avoid: Appeal to Emotion/Fear, Appeal to Authority, Appeal to Popularity, Circular Reasoning, Ambiguity, Equivocation, the Genetic Fallacy, Fallacy of Composition/Division, Fallacy of the Excluded Middle, and Appeal to Tradition Signatures: PARTY 1 ______________________________ PARTY 2 ______________________________ WITNESS ______________________________ This is an edited version the 8-30-12 live show and the After School (Sucks) Special. School Sucks is live on the Liberty Radio Network and UStream Thursdays at 10pm EST. Co-Hosts: Cory and Osborne(continued)