Philip Marlowe – The Persian Slippers. 481003.

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: Featuring Gerold Moore. Philip is asked to locate a man’s missing wife. The woman isn’t the kind prone to tears, but lately she had been weepy. She sometimes takes off and drives to blow off steam, but is back after an hour. It’s now been three days and Philip is on the job with the promise to find her, but not necessarily bring her back. <br> Based on some clues in the house, Philip goes to a fortune teller to start his search. He hits a nerve when he mentions Norma, the missing woman. Not the kind to waste time, Philip lays all his cards on the line and compares notes with a man who he’s sure knows a lot about the case. Philip may have made short work of the man who has been stalling him, but a dame is sure to make a fool of him. After a thump on the head, Philip awakens to find his fortune teller, and his missing woman out of his grasp. <br> Going back to face his client, he finds the man dead in his house. While Philip waits for the cops, he hears a sound. It’s Norma, with a confession and a suicide note. Can he stop her? Philip tries his best, but there’s still one more loose end to solve, and a last minute plot twist. . <br> <br>