Abbott and Costello – Investment Advice. ep69, 441005

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: Lou tells how he got sea sick while traveling on a train. Jokes include girls, relatives, and farm animals. Bud gets Lou confused over what it means to reap and sew. He also gets confused over canning tomatoes. Freddie Rich plays, I’ll Walk Alone. <br> Investigating what people will want to buy most when the war is over, Bud and Lou canvass the neighborhood. War workers, housewives, and Mr Kitzel all weigh in. Connie Haines sings, Swinging on a Star. <br> Freddi Rich plays, Long Ago and Far Away. The guys now have a good idea of how to invest Lou’s money. War bonds. Fast forward to the future of 10 years, when those war bonds will mature. An elderly Bud and Lou are still doing their old routines in 1954. Will people actually be tired of surplus steak, and butter? How will the stock market be doing? Will the bonds pay off for education of the next generation? Lou has a little trouble staying in character. Connie Haines sings, Torch Song. <br> Note: Added musical numbers seem to be due to filling in time for commercials edited out for AFRS usage. <br>