Dr. Stephen Leeb & Bill Murphy


Summary: Sept. 8, 2017 Featured GuestsDr. Stephen Leeb & Bill Murphy  Please Listen Here Show Highlights Dr. Stephen Leeb, best selling author and head of The Complete Investor returns to the show with encouraging comments for PMs investors. Although a reaction could unfold soon, Dr. Leeb views the gold market price activity as a potential "All-In" buy opportunity Dr. Leeb identifies a seminal opportunity to improve US diplomacy with China, to regain trust in our reserve currency with our top trading partners. The guest notes the preference for gold as a currency, not just an asset, by China's leading policymakers. A key to China's dominance in the currencies of the future, i.e., gold and Bitcoin / altcoins / supercomputing, is their massive investment in hydroelectricity.A dam reservoir is comparable to a solid investment portfolio - the initial investment is intense, but the security of free dividends / coupons is vital. Just as the Chinese symbol for opportunity resembles danger, Jihuì/wéixian the Pentagon is advised to get out ahead of the crypto revolution.Officials can secure a strategic economic / military advantage for decades. Gold could be undervalued by several fold, given the proliferation of fiat money, in the coming years. Dr. Leeb expects the yellow metal to eclipse the 2011 zenith.IF YOU KNOW ANYONE IN FLORIDA, PLEASE URGE THEM TO LEAVE THE STATE IMMEDIATELY THERE WILL BE NO SHELTER FROM 120 MPH WINDS EVEN INLAND (FIGURE 1.1). Bill Murphy of GATA.org returns with bullish commentary on the precious metals sector. Once silver closes above $21 an ounce, our guest expects the world's most conductive / reflective metal to launch into the stratosphere like Bitcoin. Despite the intensive energy, computer and technical requirements of Bitcoin mining, extracting rare metals from ore is arguably more challenging. According to GATA.org, major investment banks continue to suppress the market via various, unsound paper money schemes. The guest / host concur, silver may represent the most appealing value in the precious metals arena. Although the PMs shares continue to gain altitude, Bill Murphy views the lack of widespread enthusiasm as a solid sign that the uptrend could persist. The discussion includes escalating tensions between the West and N.K. - news of a successful thermonuclear underground test raised considerable red flags.Hydrogen bombs use secondary explosives, resulting in nuclear fusion, the force of the sun many magnitude the destructive force of earlier models.The devices harness fusion, versus the less lethal nuclear fission model. US officials have raised concerns that N.K. could combine new ICBM / fusion devices to delivery a destructive payload to the contiguous US.Still, few sources confirm this is currently a viable threat. In addition, the most powerful hurricane ever recorded made landfall in the Caribbean this week.Some meteorologists fear that the 160-192 mph winds could result in unprecedented destruction ranging from South Florida to South Carolina.Residents are urged to think of the now infamous Hurricane Andrew and it's destructive wake.Unlike the Houston based Hurricane Harvey, in Florida gale force winds will pummel much of the state if forecasts are correct. Florida residents are advised to make plans in advance to evacuate the coastal areas inland and if possible, find shelter in Georgia / Alabama.