Gist: Credit Where Credit Is Due

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Summary: This much we know: The Equifax data breach is bad. How can the credit bureaus, who have been described as the “plumbing” of our financial system, show so little regard for the people whose data they collect? <em>New York Times</em> columnist <a href="%22New%20York%20Times%20columnist%20Gretchen%20Morgens">Gretchen Morgenson</a> says it’s simple: We are not their customers, we are their product. Morgenson writes the <a href="">Fair Game</a> column. Her most recent book is <a href=""><em>Reckless Endangerment: How Outsized Ambition, Greed, and Corruption Led to Economic Armageddon</em></a><em>.</em> <br>In the Spiel, the Jimmy Kimmel test. <br><br><br><br><br>