Zero Squared #127: Nagle Answers Her Critics (Such as They Are)

Zero Squared show

Summary: Angela Nagle’s Kill All Normies earned her the title "an old leftist's idea of what a young leftist should be" by her detractors and "one of the brightest lights in a new generation of left writers who have declared independence from intellectual conformity' by her champions. We at Zero Books are proud to have published her book and glad to welcome her back as the guest on this week’s podcast. If you’re a current member of the Zero Books club I want to let you know that we’ll be moving from the Zero Books blog to Patreon. This will make it easier to get the member’s only podcast. Current members of the Zero Books club will be receiving a complimentary copy of a Zero Books title, chosen at random, as a parting gift and with the hope that they’ll continue on supporting the imprint and the podcast. An email will be going on soon.