Ask Allie: 5 Steps To Your Path of Happiness and Fulfillment

Ask Allie show

Summary: September 4, 2017 Ask Allie Podcast: Spiritual Shifting Advice in 30 Min or Less! Longest running spiritual podcast on iTunes. Helping others since 2005. Show your love and support the podcast: (Work With Me) for a personal reading or energy healing/work/balancing. **Show Format** * Introduction * Updates * Weekly September 4, 2017 Guides Oracle Card Reading * Topic: 5 Steps To Your Path of Happiness and Fulfillment QUESTIONS – ONLY ONE ANSWER PER QUESTION 1) What is the most challenging for you right now? -Stress/overwhelm -Tired/Low Energy -Relationship/Conflict -Self-Doubt/Lost -Poor Health/Illness -Anxiety/Worry 2) The person you want to be the most right now is: -Productive -Calm -Connected -Achiever -Pampered -Alone 3) How do you blow off steam? -Read -Binge online shows -Walk/run/exercise -Creative -Meditate -Take a bath (PAMPER YOURSELF) 4) You’re interested in learning the most about: -Meditate/deepen my practice -Less tired & more energetic -Emotional balance & improve relationships -Find purpose & fulfillment -Relieve stress & anxiety -Have a healthier lifestyle -Make and keep connections -Live creativity 5) What’s the ONE thing that you can see yourself doing that you either already do it (doesn’t matter if you’re paid to do it or not) or the pull for you to do it has never wavered? * Energy 411: Faden Quartz * Closing remarks Let’s Connect: Instagram (soulterrific) FaceBook Twitter (allietheiss) Pinterest (theissallie)