RSA 10/02/2017

RSAudio show

Summary: Spent the day either indoors or walking around the neighbourhood running errands, so I had plenty of time to finish the show this week. Its amazing how much "free time" you have when you don't spend the entire weekend out on the saddle of your bike. But not only do we have a great show for you all, I have to pimp out the fact that we have the 20th anniversary shirts on presale right now! Get your order in before they're gone! Alien Vampires - Down In Hell (Cutoff Sky) 5TimesZero - Augen Der Grossestadt (Cyborgdrive) The Gothsicles - Straight Up Otter Time (Areal Kollen) CTRLSHFT - Satellite Avarice In Audio - Anguish Of Cain (Studio-X) Frozen Nation - The Last Fight Of Hector Schwarzchild - Wir Sind Nicht Allein (DMT Berzerk) Cryo - Go To War (2017)