Castro & Global Psy Ops: Jay on Afternoon Commute

Jay'sAnalysis show

Summary: John and Myself join returning guest and preeminent author, Jay Dyer to discuss Jay’s Book-Esoteric Hollywood, Larry Nichols, Hoax Buddies CIA Shill Network, Philip K. Dick, Bill Nye, Tragedy and Hope, Life of the Party: The Biography of Pamela Digby Churchill Hayward Harriman, Walter Cronkite, World Socialism, Wikileaks, The Internet, Cecil Rhodes, Wildcatting, Bitcoin, Obama Care, California, CPS, Plannedopolis, Clinton Global Initiative, Bahai Faith, Church of Satan, Separation of Church of State, Greek Democracy, John Locke, Philosophy of Government, Fidel Castro, Servando Gonzalez, North Korea is an Pentagon Vassal State-F. William Engdahl, Bay of Pigs, Alex Jones, Stratfor, WWIII, JK Rowling, Pedophile Rings, Counter Cultural Revolutions, Richard Spencer, Cultural Degeneracy, Lena Dunham, Alfred Kinsey, Sigmund Freud.