Dueling Dialogues Ep. 14

Dueling Dialogues show

Summary: Today's show - Political Potpourri Part 2. DuelingDialogues.com poli-central political news and podcast aggregator launched by TheRightLeftChronicles.com bringing the latest published political content to you, all in one spot. IX Webhosting thank you for the great support. Average number of sexual partners state by state. Women Vikings are real. Cuban sonic weapon attack U.S. and Canadian diplomats. Canadian conspiracy theory/rumor on Justin Trudeau being Castro's illegitimate son. Hilary Clinton says people should trust the government, they know what's better for you better than you do. Clinton's book is 500 pages of blaming others for losing the election. When will she go away? Comey subpoenaed over discrepancies in testimony over Clinton Emails. Kim Jong Un now likes Manchester United Football. Benghazi investigation into the deaths of diplomats, discover security contract did not include armed guards. U.S. Military accidents cause John McCain for more funding to up safety standards. 03:00 DuelingDialogues.com Poli-Central Political News and Podcast Aggregator Launched by TheRightLeftChronicles.com bringing the latest published political content to you, all in one spot. 06:15 Average number of sexual partners state by state. 07:00 Women Vikings are real. 08:40 Cuban Sonic Weapon Attack U.S. and Canadian Diplomats 14:00 Canadian Conspiracy Theory/Rumor on Justin Trudeau being Castro's illegitimate son. 15:45 Hilary Clinton says people should trust the government, they know what's better for you better than you do. Clinton's book is 500 pages of blaming others for losing the election. When will she go away? 18:20 Comey may be subpoenaed over discrepancies in testimonies over Clinton Emails. 19:45 Kim Jong Un now likes Manchester United Football 21:45 Benghazi investigation into the deaths of diplomats, discover security contract did not include armed guards. 27:00 Military accidents cause John McCain for more funding to up safety standards. For a list of source links, visit http://therightleftchronicles.com/podcasts/705/dueling-dialogues-podcast-ep-14/