#4 | Trump vs the T in LGBT, NFL Fans Mad At Kap?, “An Idea That Must Die,” & More!

Beyond The Lede show

Summary: In this episode, Mike (@mikeskinnner) and Patrick (@PatrickFO) breakdown the disastrous week that was in the Trump White House. In “The Lede,” we get into President Trump’s tweets regarding transgender military service members. We give a tiny update on healthcare reform, too. In “Beyond the Lede,” we have a shared segment where we discuss the Vice documentary "A World in Disarray" that is loosely extrapolated from Richard Haass’ book of the same name. Haass is the president of the Council on Foreign Relations and has served in three different U.S. presidential administrations. It’s a great book and a great documentary. Also, Mike breaks down an NFL study regarding folks who decided to watch fewer games. Patrick debuts a segment called “This Idea Must Die,” in which he argues that not all international agreements are a race to the bottom. In “The Backpages,” Mike and Patrick both recommend a separate short story to read. Enjoy! What follows below is a list of stuff we referenced. On Trump’s White House Debacle “Death of a F***ing Salesman,” Kevin D. Williamson, NationalReview.com (July 30, 2017). “My Call from Scaramucci,” Ryan Lizza, NewYorker.com (July 27, 2017). On LGBT and Trump “How a few tweets undid one of the biggest transgender rights victories under Obama,” German Lopez, Vox.com (July 27, 2017). “How might allowing transgender personnel to serve openly affect the military,” Agnes Gereben Schaefer, Radha Iyengar, Srikanth Kadiyala, Jennifer Kavanagh, Charles C. Engel, Kayla M. Williams, Amii Kress , RAND.org (2016). “Trump’s Transgender Tweets Resonate with Americans,” Bethany Mandel, NationalReview.com (July 31, 2017). NFL Survey on Why Fans Watched Fewer Games “Anthem protests led poll of reasons viewers tuned out,” Darren Rovell, ESPN.com (July 27, 2017). A World in Disarray The book: A World in Disarray: American Foreign Policy and the Crisis of the Old Order (2017), by Richard Haass. HBO’s VICE’s: A World in Disarray (2017). The Backpages: “Death of a Pig,” E. B. White, TheAtlantic.com, January 1948. “The Last Question,” Isaac Asimov, multivax.com, 1956. Image Credit: NY Daily News