#10 | Natural Disasters (Harvey & Irma) and Political Disasters (DACA)

Beyond The Lede show

Summary: This week, Mike (@mikeskinnner) & Patrick (@PatrickFO) cover the week(s) of devastating storms, Hurricane Harvey and Hurricane Irma. They get into what climate change says about storms; but also they talk about the silver lining of people coming together afterwards to rebuild cities. Plus, a look at DACA, Jordan Peterson, Camile Paglia, “The Iraq Sanctions Myth,” and more! Stories, and references: “Hurricane Harvey: Facts, FAQs, and How To Help.” WorldVision.org (September 8). Shear, Michael D., and Julia Hirschfeld Davis. 2017. “Trump Moves to End DACA and Calls on Congress to Act.” NYtimes.com (September 5). Shapiro, Ben. 2017. “6 Things You Need To Know About Trump’s Decision To End Obama’s Executive Amnesty...Six Months From Now.” DailyWire.com (September 4). Joshi, Hrishikesh. 2017. “The Unfairness of DACA.” NationalReview.com (September 8). McCarthy, Andrew C. “Trump Has Not Ended DACA." NationalReview.com (September 6). Bandler, Aaron. 2017. “Flashback: Hillary Clinton Once Opposed Amnesty for Illegal Immigrant Children.” DailyWire.com (September 8) “The likelihood of floods is changing with the climate.” Economist.com (August 31). Williamson, Kevin D. 2017. “The hope in Houston.” NationalReview.com (September 3). Editorial Board. 2017. “Making Sure Your Help Gets to Hurricane Harvey’s Victims.” Nytimes.com (August 30). Spagat, Michael. 2013. “The Iraq Sanctions Myth.” PSmag.com (April 26). McGoey, Linsey. 2015. “The Philanthropy Hustle.” Jacobinmag.com (November 10). Julian Borger, and Justin McCurry. 2017. “North Korea sanctions: UN security council unanimously agrees new measures.” TheGuardian.com (September 11). Clips: Youtube.com: Channel: Channel: VexZeez: “END WAR: Madeleine Albright Says Deaths of 500,000 Iraqi Children is Worth It.” YouTube.com: Channel: PowerfulJRE: The Joe Rogan Experience, Episode #1006, clips begins around the 50:12 minute mark. Recommendations: Book: The Better Angels of Our Nature: Why Violence Has Declined (2011), by Stephen Pinker Book: Free Women, Free Men: Sex, Gender, Feminism (2017), by Camile Paglia Image Credit: CNN