Media and Trump Battle Over Racism

Townhall Review | Conservative Commentary On Today's News show

Summary: The Townhall Review -- August 26, 2017 President Trump, in a speech before America, explains his new way to look at Afghanistan. Senator Tom Cotton gives Hugh Hewitt his take and understanding of what is at state. Joining Mike Gallagher, Steven Bucci, a retired Army Special Forces officer and top Pentagon official, offers his insight into the Trump Afghanistan speech. Larry Elder invites award-winning author and seasoned journalist Liz Crokin, to explain her experience with Donald Trump on the reality TV show, The Apprentice, and how he does not at all resemble the mainstream media portrayal. Michael Medved speaks with three time elected New York Governor George Pataki about the path ahead for President Trump. Heather Mac Donald, author of the book “The War on Cops,” speaks with Larry Elder about the absurdity of a recent Oakland police department study, which indicates that policemen speak more disrespectfully to blacks than white motorists. Dennis Prager comments on UCLA professor K-Sue Park’s desire to have the ACLU refuse to help fringe groups on the far right. Prager cuts through the debate by going back to the definition of what a racist actually is.