Hurricane Harvey: The Power of Nature and Best of Human Nature

Townhall Review | Conservative Commentary On Today's News show

Summary: Townhall Review — September 02, 2017 Franklin Graham, of Samaritan’s Purse, describes the relief effort going on in Houston. Texas Governor Greg Abbott shares how the federal, state, and local governments are coordinating to help those in need. Mike Gallagher spoke with former Texas Governor now Energy Secretary Perry on how faith communities are pulling together to assist with flood victims. Emergency room physician Dr. Beau Briese spoke with Dennis Prager about his firsthand experience in the flood. Scott Wilder, of Save the Children, spoke with Hugh Hewitt about the massive responsibility of keeping watch over displaced children. Hewitt also spoke with Wisconsin Congressman Mike Gallagher about Kim Jung Un’s most recent trigger happy insanity. Larry Elder spoke with law professor, and constitutional scholar John Eastman on the President’s pardon of Sheriff Joe Arpaio. Hewitt interviews Hugh Ross, of Reason to Believe, about Al Gore’s latest movie, “An Inconvenient Sequel” as it relates to Hurricane Harvey. In contrast to society’s gender confusion, Michel Medved reviews a proclamation, released by prominent evangelical leaders, entitled “Nashville Statement.”