Hugh Hewitt: An Opportunity After DACA

Townhall Review | Conservative Commentary On Today's News show

Summary: President Trump recently announced that he intends to end President Obama’s executive action called DACA, or Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals, which prevents the deportation of persons brought illegally to the United States as children. The Trump Administration will renew DACA permits for the next six months in order to give Congress time to act to protect the “Dreamers.” Now, let’s make one thing abundantly clear: DACA is unconstitutional. The president said in 2010 and 2011, President Obama, that it would be unlawful for a president to take the kind of action that he eventually did indeed take. The state attorneys general who were preparing to challenge the constitutionality of that executive order in court would certainly have been successful. In fact, President Trump did a favor to every DACA kid by providing a ripeness argument so that courts may delay ruling DACA unconstitutional, as they surely will. Now is the time for Republicans and Democrats to come together to provide a solution for the 800,000 people in their 20s and 30s currently protected under DACA, while simultaneously cutting off the flow of illegal immigration into our country.