005 Overcoming Resistance – ProductivityCast

ProductivityCast show

Summary: On this cast, Ray and Augusto discuss overcoming resistance, using Steven Pressfield’s The War of Art and the psychological and practical aspects of dealing with resistance.<br> <br> Enjoy! Give us feedback! And, thanks for listening!<br> <br> If you'd like to discuss this episode, please click here to leave a comment down below (this jumps you to the bottom of the post).<br> <br> In this Cast<br> <br> Ray Sidney-Smith<br> <br> Augusto Pinaud<br> <br> Show Notes<br> <br> Resources we mention, including links to them will be provided here. Please listen to the episode for context.<br> <br> Steven Pressfield<br> <br> The Legend of Bagger Vance (book) (movie) (IMDB)<br> <br> The War of Art<br> <br> Turning Pro<br> <br> Do the Work<br> <br> Seth Godin<br> <br> Getting Things Done by David Allen<br> <br> Criticism of The War of Art by Psychologist Frederick Heide (See section entitled, “Criticism”)<br> <br> Changeology by John C. Norcross, PhD (Productivity Book Group discussion) (website with exercises)<br> <br> Focus: The Hidden Driver of Excellence by Daniel Goleman, PhD<br> <br> Pugh decision matrix<br> <br> Raw Text Transcript<br> <br> 0:00:00.000,0:00:04.110<br> are you ready to manage your work and<br> <br> 0:00:02.159,0:00:06.000<br> personal world better to live a more<br> <br> 0:00:04.110,0:00:07.109<br> fulfilling productive life then you've<br> <br> 0:00:06.000,0:00:09.809<br> come to the right place<br> <br> 0:00:07.109,0:00:12.509<br> welcome to productivity cast the weekly<br> <br> 0:00:09.809,0:00:14.969<br> show about all things productivity here<br> <br> 0:00:12.509,0:00:18.000<br> are your hosts ray Sydney Smith and<br> <br> 0:00:14.969,0:00:20.520<br> gusto pan out welcome back everybody<br> <br> 0:00:18.000,0:00:22.560<br> this is Ray Sidney-Smith and Augusto<br> <br> 0:00:20.520,0:00:24.269<br> Pinaud good morning good morning how's<br> <br> 0:00:22.560,0:00:26.160<br> it going this is productivity cast the<br> <br> 0:00:24.269,0:00:30.179<br> weekly show about all things personal<br> <br> 0:00:26.160,0:00:32.309<br> productivity and today on this show we<br> <br> 0:00:30.179,0:00:34.980<br> are gonna be talking about resistance<br> <br> 0:00:32.309,0:00:39.300<br> there is probably nobody better to<br> <br> 0:00:34.980,0:00:41.760<br> discuss resistance than the author that<br> <br> 0:00:39.300,0:00:44.190<br> we'll be discussing and his book which<br> <br> 0:00:41.760,0:00:46.500<br> is Steven Pressfield and the war of art<br> <br> 0:00:44.190,0:00:47.969<br> so who's to tell us a little bit about<br> <br> 0:00:46.500,0:00:49.969<br> Steven Pressfield<br> <br> 0:00:47.969,0:00:53.280<br> I know his sort of his Wikipedia<br> <br> 0:00:49.969,0:00:56.399<br> biography but I think you know him a<br> <br> 0:00:53.280,0:00:59.609<br> little bit better in terms of the<br> <br> 0:00:56.399,0:01:00.960<br> background and why this book you brought<br> <br> 0:00:59.609,0:01:03.359<br> up the topic and you sort of have<br> <br> 0:01:00.960,0:01:05.970<br> championed this this topic and so I'm<br> <br> 0:01:03.359,0:01:08.430<br> I'm curious about you know what really<br> <br> 0:01:05.970,0:01:12.780<br> jumped out about pressfield's background<br> <br> 0:01:08.430,0:01:14.820<br> and and what you know sort of sparked<br> <br> 0:01:12.780,0:01:16.500<br> your interest in his work and just as<br> <br> 0:01:14.820,0:01:18.540<br> sort of a little bit of a background for<br> <br> 0:01:16.500,0:01:20.759<br> folks before you get started at gusto is<br> <br> 0:01:18.540,0:01:21.420<br> that Pressfield at least at the time<br> <br> 0:01:20.759,0:01:25.409<br> we're recording<br> <br> 0:01:21.420,0:01:27.659<br>