Episode 7: Things We Have in Common/Things We Don't

Feminist Killjoys, PhD show

Summary: Today Melody and Raechel play the "Things We Have in Common/Things We Don't" game, and reflect on being vegan, activist Beliebers who have differing opinions on gluten and high heels. Also, a lengthy discussion about being Aquarians and our relationship to astrology. Check-ins include updates on dance clubs and retirement parties, and we're back with our recurring segment, "Who's Ruining What?"! Also, we are super excited to bring your our feminist pick of the week, the Rise & Resist podcast! Raechel is so thankful Lacy and Holly fill the airwaves with posi, feminist, body-love. Listen and subscribe to these babes if you want a weekly hour of all things fitness, feminism, and just general ideas on how to be stoked af about your body and your life. <3