Rerun: Grrrrls with Tattoos

Feminist Killjoys, PhD show

Summary: ***Mel & Raechel will be back next week with a new episode, but for now enjoy a replay of episode 2! *** In this episode of Feminist Killjoys, PhD, Raechel and Melody discuss being women with many large, visible tattoos. How does having tattoos impact our careers? What do our decisions to get heavily tattooed mean in relationship to our identities (as women? as feminists? as punks? as working-class?) ? How do we respond to “tat-calling”? * * * ❤❤❤ Subscribe on iTunes & leave a review! Follow us on Instagram! And Facebook! And Twitter! Check out our Feminist Killjoys, PhD Mixtape on Spotify! Have some extra dollars and want to support feminist media-makers? Consider donating to our Patreon or as a one-time thing at our website. And of course, feel free to email Melody back in 2004 at ❤❤❤