How to Make Time for Your Side Hustle: Starting a Business Edition [Podcast #087]

The 5 AM Miracle with Jeff Sanders: Healthy Habits • Personal Development • Rockin' Productivity! show

Summary: This is the first article in the series: How to Make Time for Your Side Hustle. <a title="How to Make Time for Your Side Hustle" href="" target="_blank">Read the other articles here</a>.<br> Based on my <a href="" title="2015 Reader Survey" target="_blank">2015 Reader Survey</a>, 66% of my audience works full time and 28% are planning to start their own business. As an entrepreneur who started his own business while working a full-time job, I know how tough this can be.<br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <a href="">← Previous Episode</a><br> <a href="">Next Episode →</a><br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <a href="" title="How to Make Time for Your Side Hustle"></a>Photo Credit: <a style="color: #808080;" href="" target="_blank">Jeff Sanders</a><br> Building a successful business is tough, even if you have all 168 hours every week to work on it.<br> Taking into account a 40-hour a week job, a family, personal hobbies, personal health, social time, weekly appointments with doctors, churches, car repair shops, and walking your dog, it can be next to impossible to make time for a side business.<br> But (and this is the big but) — it can be done.<br> In fact it happens all the time and I plan to shed some light on this ambitious and worthwhile goal.<br> Define Your Objective and Stick To It<br> The nature of business is that it is endlessly and wonderfully overwhelming for one simple and amazing reason, there are nearly infinite ways to earn money.<br> This is likely not surprisingly, nevertheless, it's imperative that you know exactly why you're going into business and what you believe to be the BEST way to earn a living in your industry.<br> Knowing these building blocks provides focus, which is the most important element in this process. Your ability to work ONLY on what matters and NOTHING else is the difference maker between success and failure.<br> Let me say that one again, but with different words.<br> When you isolate the most important elements of your business (the vital few that earn you extraordinary profit) and spend nearly all of your time on those elements, you provide yourself with the greatest chance for success.<br> Starting an Online Business<br> Most future business owners are seeking opportunities to build online enterprises, which makes sense, and I'm a huge fan.<br> I recently wrote an article just for those folks who are getting started. It's called the <a href="" title="Beginner’s Guide to Blogging, Podcasting, and Online Business" target="_blank">Beginner's Guide to Blogging, Podcasting, and Online Business</a>.<br> If you are preparing to start a blog, podcast, YouTube video channel, webinar system, or any other online enterprise, check out that article and dive in fast.<br> The online world moves faster than anything and speed is essential. In fact, I'm pretty sure you're already behind schedule if you haven't clicked that link yet . . .<br> The Miracle Outside of the 9-to-5<br> Most bosses won't be too happy if you spend company time working on your side project, especially if that project involves you making money for someone else.<br> Your best bet is likely working nights and weekends. Well, let me rephrase that. Your best bet is likely working on your incredible new business at sunrise. (Did you think I would miss that one?)<br> When you wake up early to work on your business, instead of trying to squeeze out time after a long day at the office,