The Best Colors for Productivity and Creativity

The 5 AM Miracle with Jeff Sanders: Healthy Habits • Personal Development • Rockin' Productivity! show

Summary: Altering your environment is one of the most effective strategies to bring out the best in yourself. In fact, in a previous blog series I listed environment as the 2nd most essential element of productivity. As it turns out, your environment dramatically affects your creativity as well. ← Previous Episode Next Episode → Photo Credit: Nanagyei via Compfight cc I'm not a paid professional graphic designer, artist, or brilliant visionary (though I do get the occasional compliment on this website). Thankfully, you and I don't have to be naturally gifted to bring a little color to our lives. Let's shine some light on your color choices, especially those that improve your ability to get things done with a creative flare. Choices, Choices, Choices My wife, Tessa, and I bought our first house a few weeks ago and I have spent a huge amount of time painting (mostly because the previous owners made a few ridiculous choices). I took this picture of Tessa at Home Depot about a month before we officially bought our house. Talk about daunting! I couldn't believe the number of choices we had available to us. The process of choosing just the right colors for each room was nothing short of an Olympic event. Combining personal preferences with “expert” opinions made the job even more challenging than I originally anticipated. We are officially moving out of our apartment and into the new house this Sunday, so I can't yet say with certainty that the colors we chose are ideal. But, we did compare quite a few options and the walls are already painted. So, in order to avoid going insane with perfectionism, I'm considering this a completed project. I will have more pictures up once we move into the house so you can see the finished product with all of our stuff. *FYI – The colors below are much richer and brighter than they appear in these little pictures. For our master bedroom we ditched the previously pink walls and went with Behr's Cream Puff. It's a great soft color for a bedroom. My wife picked out this color, so my official opinion is that this is the absolute best color ever. This room is not intended for productivity or creativity and I wouldn't recommend this color too highly for a home office or work space. I posted a picture of our kitchen o...