The Plantpower Way: An Interview with Rich Roll [Podcast #096]

The 5 AM Miracle with Jeff Sanders: Healthy Habits • Personal Development • Rockin' Productivity! show

Summary: <br> Rich Roll is an inspiration for his athletic pursuits, but he also has a ridiculously healthy diet. This week's episode of <a title="Subscribe in iTunes" href="" target="_blank">The 5 AM Miracle Podcast</a> features an interview with <a title="Rich Roll" href="" target="_blank">Rich Roll</a>, and we discuss his new book, <a title="The Plantpower Way by Rich Roll" href=";camp=1789&amp;creative=390957&amp;creativeASIN=1583335870&amp;linkCode=as2&amp;tag=gradandclue-20&amp;linkId=KRYECEUIM357ZBH2" target="_blank">The Plantpower Way</a>.<br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <a href="">← Previous Episode</a><br> <a href="">Next Episode →</a><br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <a href=""></a>Photo Credit: <a style="color: #808080;" href="" target="_blank">Rich Roll</a> <br> Download the Script<br> Here you have access to the script that I use to record each episode. This is not a complete word-for-word transcript, though it does provide you with a detailed account of what I do to produce every episode of this podcast. <a title="Download the script" href="" target="_blank">Download the script</a>.<br> Resources Mentioned in the Show<br> <br> * <a title="The Superhero Stance" href="" target="_blank">The Superhero Stance</a> [Psychology Today]<br> * <a title="#021: An Interview with Rich Roll: Record Shattering Health &amp; Fitness [Podcast]" href="" target="_blank">My previous interview with Rich Roll on The 5 AM Miracle Podcast</a> [episode #21]<br> * <a title="Rich Roll" href="" target="_blank">Rich Roll</a> [his website]<br> * <a title="The Plantpower Way by Rich Roll" href=";camp=1789&amp;creative=390957&amp;creativeASIN=1583335870&amp;linkCode=as2&amp;tag=gradandclue-20&amp;linkId=KRYECEUIM357ZBH2" target="_blank">The Plantpower Way</a> [book by Rich Roll and Julie Piatt]<br> * <a title="Bonuses for The Plantpower Way" href="" target="_blank">Get the Bonuses for The Plantpower Way</a> [buy a copy and upload your receipt]<br> * <a title="Finding Ultra" href=";camp=1789&amp;creative=390957&amp;creativeASIN=0307952207&amp;linkCode=as2&amp;tag=gradandclue-20&amp;linkId=QE5357ZA5G7V3ANO" target="_blank">Finding Ultra</a> [book by Rich Roll]<br> * <a title="Dirty Dozen" href="" target="_blank">Dirty Dozen Conventional Produce</a> [EWG – Environmental Working Group]<br> * “Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food.” [Hippocrates, Greek Physician]<br> <br> <br> Next Week<br> On the podcast next week I will be discussing your graduation do-over. You have the chance to begin again and make it work. I'll discuss a new way to approach the next chapter of your life.<br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <a href="">← Previous Episode</a><br> <a href="">Next Episode →</a><br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br>