#65: How to Organize a Viking Raid — Lee Accomando - History Unplugged Podcast | American History, World History, World War 2, U.S. Presidents, Civil War

History Unplugged Podcast | American History, World History, World War 2, U.S. Presidents, Civil War show

Summary: Everyone is fascinated with Vikings. If you are in Minnesota, then the team is practically your official religion. If you love opera then you can't help but think of a Wagnerian fat lady belting out tones and breaking crystal while adorned with a horned helmet. If you have any sort of cable package, you might be a fan of the Showtime series Vikings (my mother-in-law definitely is).<br> <br> In this episode I talk to Lee Accomando, host of the Viking Age Podcast, all about their history. He starts off by going into great detail about how to conduct a coastal raid. All you need to do is be a chieftan, gather men together, have access to a longboat, and target a wealthy monastery or village to plunder for gold, relics, and other valuables.<br> <br> But Vikings were far more than raiders. They were the most important explorers and traders of 800-1200 A.D., going as far west as Newfoundland and as far south as Baghdad.<br> <br> In this episode we discuss...<br> <br> Viking paganism<br> Their expansion across the entire North Atlantic<br> <br> <br> How Vikings reached Iceland, Greenland, and the New World<br> How Viking traders colonized Russia, personally protected the Byzantine Emperor, and frequently traded with Arabs<br> <br> <br> What brought the Viking Age to an end<br> <br> RESOURCES FOR THIS EPISODE<br> <br> The Viking Age Podcast<br> <br>  <br> TO HELP OUT THE SHOW<br> <br> Leave an honest review on iTunes. Your ratings and reviews really help and I read each one.<br> Subscribe on iTunes or Stitcher