SSP 3. Training Workout Programs for Fat Loss and Metabolic Enhancement Training

The Smarter Sculpted Physique: Training | Nutrition | Muscle Gain | Fat Loss show

Summary: This episode was all about training workout plans for fat loss and metabolic enhancement training.<br> <br> There was a whole lot about how it’s not just about “oh this is a fat loss program” and “this is a muscle gain program.” It’s more about putting the client on a program that fits where they are at right now. A lot of the time, the success of a trainee during the fat loss stage is determined by what they’ve been doing up until then — are they in a spot where they can lose fat in a healthy manner, without getting caught in plateaus and dead-ends and diminishing returns?<br> <br> ♦ TRAINING WORKOUTS FOR FAT LOSS (NOTES) ♦ <br> <br> • There is no “one-size-fits-all” single workout plan that is optimized for fat loss.<br> <br> • Metabolic Enhancement Training builds off innervation training. Whereas innervation training says “train the muscle, not the movement,” MET training acknowledges that you can use the movement to train the muscle.<br> <br> • The issue with cardio — and this is true with all forms of training to some extent, though with cardio it can be a bit exacerbated — is it’s a law of diminishing returns. You have to do more and more, but you get less and less. It’s better to go back ‘n forth, as opposed to getting to the point where you’re spending 2 hours a day on the treadmill.<br> <br> • Use a traditional bodypart split workout plan to build muscle. Then use a MET exercise program to optimize your workload capacity. Then you go back to a bodypart split, maybe this time surfing the strength training curve. Then you go back to a bodypart split similar to that earlier one. In this way, there are huge carryover effects between programs, so that the second time you do the bodypart split, your body is in a different place, and your experience of the program is far different.<br> <br> • Cardio does have a place, but again: keep those diminishing returns in mind. After 4-6 weeks the benefits decrease a lot.<br> Think holistically about training and fat loss. Sleep is just as important as your workout plan. It’s not as though your fitness and fat loss is only determined by “what you eat” and “what workout plan you use.” There are other factors at play; they are minimal in terms of calories burned, but in terms of the whole picture — energy, sleep, sustaining the fat loss, mood, hunger, maintaining muscle while losing fat — it’s hugely important.<br> <br> • Don’t try to count burned calories. The laws of thermodynamics are absolutely true, but 1) the body is an open system, not a closed one, and 2) you never end up with a completely accurate picture, because the tools we have are notoriously inaccurate.