SSP 58. Loose Skin, plus Achieving Consistency with Sleep, Routines, and Journaling

The Smarter Sculpted Physique: Training | Nutrition | Muscle Gain | Fat Loss show

Summary: This episode touched on a number of topics, beginning with a question about loose skin, and from there delving into the power of better sleep, solid routines, and using journaling to help with these things.<br> <br> <br> *** <br> The episode began on a somber note, with remembering the passing of the great Fred Hatfield. Dr. Hatfield, or "Dr. Squat," was a giant, and one of the few people who could understand the science, explain that science simply, and then apply it really, really effectively. <br> ***<br> <br> <br> ------------------<br> ♦ LOOSE SKIN ♦<br> ------------------<br> <br> If you've lost a lot of weight, there's a good chance the "last 10 lbs." are at least partly loose skin. This depends on age, genetics, and other things like how long you were overweight for, how overweight you were, and so on. If it's true loose skin, the only thing you can do is get it removed surgically, BUT....<br> <br> ...Mike pointed out that for many people, no one but you will notice. He's in this position, with some loose skin on his lower belly. No one cares. <br> <br> ...Also, you can still "push" things a bit, as long as you coax the body, and don't force it. You don't know until you try, really, and if you do it safely, you'll almost certainly end up with a physique to be darn proud of, regardless of genetics.<br> <br> <br> -----------<br> ♦ SLEEP ♦<br> -----------<br> <br> One of the BEST things you can do for weight loss is improve your sleep. The only way to do it is to make it a priority. A vitamin D pill in the morning, a melatonin pill in the evening (or whatever) won't replace that.<br> <br> There are many, many good reasons people have for losing sleep (kids, job, etc.). But you should be very, VERY careful in accepting that you "can't" do anything. It should be the very very last resort, and you have to be brutally honest with yourself to make sure whether or not there REALLY isn't anything you can do.<br> <br> For Scott, sleep is one of the unsung heroes of weight loss.<br> <br> Recommendations for better sleep: make it a routine and *stick* to it (!), stay away from electronic devices for a little while before bed, keep the lights as dark as you can, do things that ease your mind. It doesn't need to be complicated! <br> <br> <br> ------------------<br> ♦ JOURNALING ♦<br> ------------------<br> <br> Both Scott and Mike really like journaling, for a variety of reasons, especially gratitude journals.<br> <br> Mike likes the 5-minute journal, as well as a few others.<br> <br> Mike also likes using a journal to help control your focus. It doesn't *just* have to be a tool for self-discovery, but can also be a tool to control what you're thinking about throughout the day, and *HOW* you're thinking about those things. It can keep you focused on being proactive, keeping positive thought patterns, and that sort of thing.<br> <br> <br> <br> --------------------------<br> ♦ LINKS &amp; RESOURCES ♦ <br> --------------------------<br> <br> • The Artist's Way by Julia Cameron<br> • The 5-Minute Journal