SSP 69. JC Santana on Social Media, Balance and Lifestyle in the Modern World

The Smarter Sculpted Physique: Training | Nutrition | Muscle Gain | Fat Loss show

Summary: ♦ Social Media, Lifestyle and Balance in the Modern World ♦<br> <br> The key theme was balance and lifestyle in an increasingly frenzied modern world. Changes in work/life balance, social media, lifestyle, and certain other trends, and – frankly – real life problems make these things more difficult. This is something coaches and trainers need to be aware of because it is something real people need to deal with in their real-world, busy lives.<br> <br> ------------------------------------------------------------<br> ♦ Social Media, Lifestyle and Balance in the Modern World ♦<br> ------------------------------------------------------------<br> <br> ♦ Key Quote from JC: “Sleeping is food for your Central Nervous System.” This was in the context of talking about athletes who starve themselves of food and then wonder why they have no energy. Well, athletes also “starve” themselves of sleep (and then wonder why they’re so lacking in energy…)<br> <br> ♦Social Media offers consumers a way to find information, but also lures them into believing things that aren’t necessarily true. For JC, personal trainers that constantly publish ‘selfies’ of their physical state is just a showoff without providing valuable content. Scott points this issue to a form of attracting consumers – and personal trainers as well – into a baseless ‘black and white’ answer system that fails to address real problems that needs more indebt analysis.<br> <br> ♦ Can great athletes be great coaches? According to JC, it’s not common. Despite the similar focus they might seem to have, the difference relies not only on their physical capacities and performance (even genetics), but on how they approach their chosen field. This distinction can be seen during a combine (a test for performance and endurance). Unfortunately, combines do not illustrate specific field tests (grind, vision on the field, etc), and because of this some of the best athletes are dismissed early on.<br> <br> ♦ Technology has the power to measure the finest detail of the body’s movement and give precise data, but having this objective information for most situations can be unnecessary or even misleading (over-quantification of data) when a subjective view can easily and logically dictate that the training is working the proper way.<br> <br> ♦ JC: “You don’t need to go to failure”. Scott agreed.<br> <br> ♦ Some of the negative side effects that Social Media presents to the North-American and western culture are focused on the acquisition of stuff, not just material stuff but ‘doing’ more, ‘showing’ more, all as a way to display success. In a diet context, Scott says, “We think the more we’re circling the exhausted state, the more we deserve weight loss when it’s actually the opposite“. <br> <br> ♦ Finding a balanced lifestyle is becoming increasingly more difficult as time and resources are being cut shorter, thus creating a necessity to consume or mass-consume mind numbing substances like drugs, liquids or food –as a chemical- to try to keep up with the demands and rhythm of modern life. Being able to not abuse and instead moderate these and other damaging factors will physically, spiritually and mentally help to keep a well-balanced, healthy lifestyle. Creating small strategies to day by day combat hunger, lack of sleep, and lack of exercise can change a person instantly.<br> <br> ♦ According to eastern philosophy, balance as an external goal creates imbalance. In Scott’s point-of-view, “Balance is something that is experience-based and never thought-based” and “the engagement produces the reality”. In JC’s view, “Balance is a state of mind, it’s not an action or a lifestyle” were both working and relaxation states have to coexist within each other.<br> <br> ♦ Generally, a generation tends to blame their current problems on previous generations, but what makes a generation thrive is learning to be resilient and take responsib...