E161 2016-06-24 Beyond Bitcoin - PeerPlays, BlockPOS, BitShares updates and discussions (Raw)

Beyond Bitcoin Community show

Summary: This weeks hangout was a interesting mix of community updates, BitShares in academia and the future of liquidity. In this Hangout: Peerplays gives out the latest update about the Logo Competition. Please join and win up to $1250 (http://www.peerplays.com/news/peerplays-logo-design-contest-1250-grand-prize). Jon presented an update about the current DAO proposal and it its delay after the trouble around the DAO. Christoph Hering and the team from BitShares Munich is discussing the advantages of stealth transactions at the BitShares Platform. They are also sparking a discussion about the upcoming liquidity changes through the BlockPOS system. Today the BitShares community was discussing multiple strategies how to increase liquidity. We also celebrated new academic papers about BitShares, Graphene and Steem and the superiority of Delegated Proof of State analysed in a new research paper! https://assets.kpmg.com/content/dam/kpmg/pdf/2016/06/kpmg-blockchain-consensus-mechanism.pdf