E171 2016-09-02 Beyond Bitcoin - PeerPlays Testnet Updates, BlockPay ICO Hackathon, BTSABC and more!

Beyond Bitcoin Community show

Summary: Covered this Hangout #1 w/ $42.28 – @Peerplays Peerplays testnet is to be unleashed on September 26th. There are likely to be bounties for finding bugs and helping out! Explains the new website along with a countdown clock for the new crowdsale. Don’t forget it is still not too late to withdraw your BTS from exchanges to your personal wallet so you can redeem a sharedrop of Peerplays tokens! Check out the Peerplays Homepage for more info on #Peerplays Upvote and support their efforts by supporting quality updates and news articles on the Peerplays Sub-Steemit. #2 w/ $9.94 – @chris4210 & Rodrigo of Blockpay BlockPay’s CEO @chris4210 makes the announcement that the blockpay ambassadors program has already been maxed out at 60 ambassadors to represent over 42 countries! Plans to use Steem as a means of getting people into cryptocurrencies. Stealth, Echo and other future projects to be released will be sharing income with BlockPay tokens. So don’t forget the crowdsale ends Sunday, September 4th. Finally, Chris mentions bitshares munich’s intention to create a competition with the bitshares api for a hackathon planned for the end of the year. So if you have what it takes, let him know! Check out the BlockPay Homepage for more info on #blockpay Upvote and support their efforts by supporting quality updates on the BlockPay Sub-Steemit. https://c6.staticflickr.com/9/8450/29356253701_ef7483ac02_m.jpg #3 w/ $7.56 – @Jademont of btsabc.org Joins us to discuss the new btsabc Website and btsabc wallet. Jademont is also known as ripplexiaoshan on bitsharestalk.org and is working heavily on bridging the gap between the Eastern and Western communities. Bitshares is a worldwide cryptocurrency ecosystem and Decentralized Exchange. Btsabc has created multiple assets on the bitshares DEX – from insurance against parking ticket charges, UIA’s for CNY, BTC and ETH. Btsabc.org is a way to get news from both Eastern and Western communities and the wallet is where you can buy and trade the tokens above (and many more). Fill out BTS Survey here! https://www.bitshares.typeform.com/to/JvqCsc All BeyondBitcoin content is powered by Steemit.com so please join the new social media movement that enables Creative Commons content creators and Open Source developers to earn funding for participating in the community's growth and sustainence. Post to Steemit.com to earn and pay others with a simple upvote!