E173 2016-09-16 Beyond Bitcoin - PeerPlays, GRC, Jewels, @Nonlinearone & @Intelliguy Steem Posts

Beyond Bitcoin Community show

Summary: Covered this Hangout #1 w/ $91.28 – @PeerPlays Jonathon Bahai of PeerPlays gives an update on the PeerPlays testnet, which is still set to launch on Monday, September 26th. This testnet is planned to launch with the first ever PeerPlays on-chain game. After the testnet is launched will come the scheduled crowdsale auction for 500,000 PeerPlays tokens. Michael Maloney takes the time to teach about sharedropping theory and explain how PeerPlays went about the process of doing the sharedrop. Asks people to follow @peerplays and upvote their updates and content in the future. He also gives an explanation of why they are doing their sports betting on Graphene-based chains as opposed to a competitor on the Ethereum network. #2 w/ $8.81 @cm-steem @cm-steem makes a continued appeal to active BitShares witnesses to publish price feeds for the ‘GRIDCOIN’ Market Pegged Asset (MPA). He also requests open ideas regarding recommendations to improve this MPA. Gridcoin is expected to go live on OpenLedger.info before next week’s end. The intent is to bring liquidity to their own assets that is traded on Decentralized Exchange (DEX) with no counterparty risk via Gridcoin MPA as well. If you have opinions on how to improve their MPA meet up with them at their weekly hangout or contact @cm-steem directly. Cm-steem thanks the community who join the Gridcoin hangouts every Saturday @9pm GMT on the Beyond Bitcoin Mumble server, where Gridcoin has its own dedicated room and links to important GRC content. Next he updates that now only four (down from eight just two weeks ago) whitelisted projects in Gridcoin are currently failing to meet the established standard of using Secure Socket Layer (SSL). This means the vast majority of community-whitelisted BOINC projects are using encryption between browser and webserver and is important for BOINC users so important information (Private Keys being a chief concern) are not intercepted when connecting to earn Gridcoin with your general computing capacity. Project Rain is also mentioned, which is a means of sharedropping tokens easily on the over 500,000 active Gridcoin IDs in use today. It now supports 36 different cryptos. Listen for more deatails! #3 w/ $4.09 – @pro4never @Pro4never (aka Chris Cook) w/ the #Jewels project announces that the dashboard for jewels project has now launched. You can visit here. Want to Play Conquer Heroes and stress test it? Do so at the Downloads Page next Friday, September 23rd. Roy Khan talks about how accounts will earn and store value in the jewels ecosystem. Explains about how the blockchain can be used to let people protect an account in a decentralized manner. Details the benefits of blockchains in gaming marketplaces with special focus on the Jewels projects games, where items can be bought and sold for jewels. He also covers potential platforms Jewels might integrate with, but has not made a final decision on this. As the discussion ran over, we will direct you to a post that covers this and more in their steemit post Jewels and the Future of Blockchain Gaming. Remember you can buy Jewels off exchanges Yobit and Alcurex Exchanges. Have your own Project? RSVP Here for Next Week’s Hangout! All BeyondBitcoin content is powered by Steemit.com so please join the new social media movement that enables Creative Commons content creators and Open Source developers to earn funding for participating in the community’s growth and sustainence. Post to Steemit.com to earn and pay others with a simple upvote! Please Support the wonderful artist @angsteem who brought us the artwork used in today’s beyondbitcoin cover image!