04/04/2017 Tuesday – Mike Swanson and JP Sottile Oil and Grease in Markets in Media and Markets.

The Ochelli Effect show

Summary: 04/04/2017 Tuesday - Mike Swanson and JP Sottile Oil and Grease in Markets in Media and Markets. Mike Swanson focuses on Oil and Chuck gets educated about shorting. JP Sottile Vandal of The News hits more realities than the TV reality POTUS could in a rapid Twitter Chamber of horrors. Russia, The Host of The Factor, Bannon vs. Kushner, and all after the petro-dollar is challenged.<br> <a href="http://www.thewarstate.com/tonight-on-the-ochelli-effect-04042017/">http://www.thewarstate.com/tonight-on-the-ochelli-effect-04042017/</a><br> <a href="http://newsvandal.com">http://newsvandal.com</a>