Episode 16. United (Airlines) We Fall?: David Dao, Dave Chappelle, and a Rough Week for Asian Men

SWOTI show

Summary: Joe and Brie discuss Dr. David Dao's violent removal from a United Airlines flight last week. To what extent did his race affect his treatment? How did it influence the public's largely sympathetic response? And how are we supposed to interpret the role of United CEO—and fellow POC—Oscar Munoz in all of this? (Hint: implicit bias is a thing.) Also, though you might have heard about Dave Chappelle's controversial jokes about trans people on his new Netflix special, there has been next to no media coverage about the part of his routine that undermines Asian masculinity. Don't worry: SWOTI is on the case. You'll want to hear this. Finally, Joe and Brie talk new career ambitions, Michelle Obama's natural hair, do a little Spice Girls karaoke, and opine on ideal running playlists. Don't forget to subscribe and comment on iTunes. Let us know what you think!