EP4: Everything I know about the DAO

Bitcoin & Markets show

Summary: EP4: Everything I know about the DAO I brake down everything I can about the DAO, from definitions to politics, including some interesting critiques that I hope can settle any confusion listeners have. I'm not an expert so please tell me where I got it wrong, or where I got it right. Thanks. bitcoinandmarkets.com https://twitter.com/AnselLindner Definitions I talk about: Tokens/Token Holders - create tokens by staking ether in the smart contract, each token has proportional voting rights, and ownership/equity rights. Curators - person or group of people that perform centralized roles for the DAO, they maintain the whitelist of contractors, vet proposals, and identifies proposal authors. Contractors - a third party that can receive ether from the DAO and/or is funded by or owes money to the DAO. Proposal - A smart contract that is voted on. Two types: "regular proposal" and "newCurator" proposal. Quorum - Voter participation rate needed to make a vote binding. 20% for a "regular proposal", none for a "newCurator" proposal. Split - If people don't like a proposal they can split from the DAO by forming a new DAO. Meant to be a way to update the curator and to protect the minority from a majority attack. Links: https://daohub.org https://forum.daohub.org/c/theDAO Reinvent.Money YouTube https://youtu.be/mJiMD0VibmY Dan Larimer Post about the DAO https://steemit.com/crypto-news/@dan/is-the-dao-going-to-be-doa DAO Whitepaper http://www.bitcoinandmarkets.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/05/WhitePaper.pdf Book of Qi - 36 Stratagems - "Kill with a borrowed sword" https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thirty-Six_Stratagems Music: Choys - 3rd Floor