E8 - "DAO Wars" 21/6/2016

Bitcoin & Markets show

Summary: Host: Ansel Lindner https://twitter.com/AnselLindner This is an update on the DAO and Ethereum situation. It's a continuation from my EP5, from several weeks ago where I correctly pointed out its game theoretical flaws. Coded democracy still escapes us. Sources https://twitter.com/WhalePanda/status/744118586126499840 Ethereum chat logs: http://pastebin.com/aMKwQcHR Nakamoto Institute: http://nakamotoinstitute.org/mempool/ethereum-is-doomed/ White hat hack: http://qz.com/713078/the-developers-behind-ethereum-are-hacking-the-hacker-that-hacked-it/ Charles Hoskinson was the insider slamming Tual. He deleted the tweet I saw, but here is a related one. https://twitter.com/IOHK_Charles/status/725345188609052673 Ethereum has lost all credibility as their counter hack has been infiltrated by the hacker. They look so silly. https://www.reddit.com/r/ethereum/comments/4p9z93/it_seems_attacker_just_targeted_the_whitehatdaos/