21: Exaggerated and Unlikely Evidence

15 Credibility Street show

Summary: Interview with Kenny Biddle on the "haunted" Haldeman Mansion near Lancaster, PA. Follow up: Grand Canyon Creationist Fyre Festival News items: The Amelia Earhart "smoking gun" photo. Was it just a "hook" for the History Channel's new documentary. It was superficially dubious but discredit in short order by a blogger. What's with the defensive attitude of "skeptics" towards the Darwin Awards. Sharon's criticism of them leads to some nasty responses. A post-mortem shows the responses were hollow and possibly a case of cognitive bias. Kenny Biddle visits the Haldeman Mansion and checks out the paranormal claims and finds them completely lacking in credibility. Is it worth promoting your historical site as haunted to gain funding for preservation? It appears that we may have struck a nerve.